Save your Project
To save your Project, click on the Ribbon's File tab and choose Save or Save As.
Save will save the current project using the current name and saving it to the same location as it was loaded from.
Save As allows you to change the name of your project and to store the project in a different folder. You can use this option to create a copy of the current project or move your project to a different folder. The original project remains available but will not be updated with any changes made since your last save. App Studio will save any changes to the new project and the new project will be displayed within the workspace.
The Save button, , on the Quick Access Toolbar in the top left-hand corner of the App Studio window, provides a quick way to perform a Save on the current project. It doesn't, however, allow you to do a Save As. This button is displayed by default, but if you have customised the Quick Access Toolbar, to add or remove buttons, it may no longer be available.
By default, projects are saved to a folder with the same name as the project, under the following folder:
C:\Users\<user>\Documents\NDL Software\Digitise Apps\Projects
You can change this default path if you want to within the App Studio Settings' Projects Folder option. If you only want to change the location for an individual project, you can specify the required path when you create the project or use Save As rather than Save.
We recommend that you save your changes regularly whilst developing your apps, although if you attempt to close App Studio without having saved your changes first, you will be prompted to save them before App Studio closes down.